International Women’s Day

On Sunday just gone, it was International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is a day to let women take a stand, because over the last centuries women are not really praised or recognised for the amazing everyday things they do. Men are usually praised and thought to be the strongest but International Women’s Day lets women show that they can do extraordinary things too. International Women’s Day was founded in WW1 when Russian began a strike for ‘bread and peace’. This strike started somewhere around the 8th March, then this was the day that it founded.International-Womens-Day

Even Katy Perry and Lily Allen are taking a stand for women. It is about equal rights for everybody. If a woman broke a world record for a run, they wouldn’t get as much praise as a man would, which is so sad, as we did the same thing. So it’s equal rights for everybody 🙂 Woman have sadly been labelled as weaker than men, but that is not true at all, we are all born

Random Acts Of Kindness

Everyone can be kind, we just need to show it more. Whether we give a homeless person some money even just pick something up for a stranger is they drop it. These things are so small and are so easy for you, and the person who received it would get so much from it. For example, this child put a note on a stranger’s car not knowing who they are but wanting to be kind.

ZFOat.jpgThese tiny things can make someones day and put a smile on their face. If you see a car, you could leave it, or write a letter telling them how awesome they are, like this one. So if you see some keys left in a door, don’t just leave them, pick them up, write a kind note, it’s a lot cooler than leaving them 😉


Have a go, because you can 😉

Lush Photos

As promised, here are some pictures of my Lush products, enjoy!

DSCF3167  This is the amazing Snow Fairy shower gel,  which smells of sweet pear drops and lush coconut 


This smells so cute! It is the Sweetie Pie shower jelly which is literally jelly and it smells like fruity blackcurrant




                                                                          The Godmother soap is so fruity, relaxing and has an awesome shape!

DSCF3180Finally, this is the soothing Shimmer massage bar, which, well, you use for massaging yourself! It smells like soothing vanilla and it leaves your skin                                      smooth, shiny, and covered in sparkles!


I hope you liked looking at this and it encouraged you to buy some Lush if you want 🙂






Lush is a very ethical company which sells amazing cosmetic products and I think I have an obsession with it!!! They are so ethical, for example, they are extremely into banning animal testing everywhere, so they celebrated especially on 11th March 2013, when The Cosmetics Directive made Europe the first place in the whole wide world where animal testing was banned. Animal testing is so bad because the poor baby animals’ bodies can’t handle the harsh chemicals as well as ours, and most of the time the animal gets skin irritation and some even die. Just because they can’t talk or show their emotions or feelings, doesn’t mean they don’t have any. This isn’t dress-up or putting lipstick on a bunny, this is animal cruelty and murder, so Lush is pretty awesome to help ban it and to never test their products on helpless animals. Once they even put a volunteering woman in a shop window in London and went through the same procedures as animal in experiments, and she showed a lot of pain as they yanked her ponytail and force-fed her- just like they do with animals, but luckily, Lush fights for them.

aat-2Lush also uses fresh ingredients which are good for the environment like their Snow Fairy sparkle massage bar with shea butter from Ghana. All their products smell, well, lush! And they are amazing for your skin. My favourite products are the bombardino bath bomb, the BIG salt shampoo, and the godmother soap bar, but all of the products are delicious!lushLush is amazing, so if you haven’t checked it out, you should because it’s amazing to animals and the environment, so it’s a win-win-win situation!

Here’s the link:

I’ll make another blog with some pictures of some products like my TOM’s post, happy Lushing!Lush-logo

Gorilla Fur Coats

Hi everyone, I’m really sorry I haven’t done a post in quite a long time but I hope you like this one. I decided to do this post about real gorilla fur coats, and that they are killing gorillas everywhere- for fashion. They are real and they are very expensive. Did you know that 3 out of 4 gorilla species are very endangered, and unfortunately we are wiping them out rapidly and turning their fur into coats- and if we don’t stop, these beautiful animals will soon die out. Gorillas are the closest thing to humans, and they are so like us that their nose print is individual to each gorilla- like our fingerprint. _62314852_gorilla3These gorgeous creatures are so endangered, and unfortunately they are being killed, and people say gorillas are dangerous creatures, but, we are the most dangerous things on the world as we have so much power and sometimes we use it in the wrong way, for example, killing endangered gorillas for coats. It is not ethical in any way and is animal cruelty. These poor gorillas are taken out of their home and put into harsh conditions under a lot of pain, are killed, all for our joy of “looking good”. They have been separated from their babies and family to be slaughtered into a coat.

Can you help save them?


12 Years A Slave

12 Years A Slave is a new movie about slavery, set in 1841. It is about a free man who was kidnapped from Washington D.C and sold to slavery on plantations in Louisiana for 12 years, until his release. This is the true story of Soloman Northup, and his autobiography was written in 1853.MV5BMjExMTEzODkyN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTU4NTc4OQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_The movie gets 5 stars on Rotten Tomatoes and 4 and a half on IMDb, and it stars Brad Pitt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Cumberbatch and a lot more stars. This true movie sounds amazing, and I’m really sorry but i don’t know the release dates, but I’m sure you can find out online 🙂 Im also really sorry it was so short, but i hoped you enjoyed it anyway 🙂

Why You Should Love School

So, unfortunately the Christmas holidays are almost over, and a lot of people will be going back to school tomorrow or on Tuesday. A lot of people don’t like school but I hope this changes the way you think…   Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head in her own school bus heading to her school, the Khushal School. The school bus was a Toyota van, it was hot, sticky and crammed with girls on the day of exams, October 9th, a Tuesday. malala-yousafzai-1-w724Malala had won awards in her town for campaigning for peace and for girls to go to school. She was going to school on the bus when a man came in and asked where Malala was, little did the girls know he was a member of the Taliban. He brought out a black pistol and shot Malala. The bullet went through her left eye socket then out through her shoulder. Whilst she was in hospital, thousands of children sent her presents and cards.  Malala loves school and campaigns for girls to go, and luckily we don’t have to campaign for this, so, let’s make the most of our free country and have fun at school. She got shot in the head and survived with her head held high, you met get bored at school and not like it, but no-one deserves to go to school and be scared of getting shot. I really hope this encouraged you to make the most of school and have fun and make the most of the time you have there! Malala is the Bravest Girl in the World.


I Have A Dream!

“I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the colour of their skin but by the content of their character.

I have a dream today”


Extract from I Have A Dream, a speech by Martin Luther King Jr, 28th August, 1963

Thank You!

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR and I hope that 2013 was amazing for everyone, and 2014 will be amazing for everyone! Anyway, this post is just a big thank you from me (and probably a lot of animal lovers) to K9 rescue, Action Aid for Animals, and all the people who appealed for Bobi the dog to have a chance of living. I found out about this a few days ago when I had my breakfast and read the Daily Mail as usual, and it had the story of Bobi on the second page. Bobi, the gorgeous 3-year-old Terrier was found in the gutters of Bulgaria, and brought over to Newport, in South Wales on 21st December to be rehomed! Unfortunately the RSPCA took Bobi away because they said he had to be put down as his 2 back legs were paralysed. This was when all the amazing campaigns started. There were so so many! When the story came out it was like a race against time to donate and appeal to save Bobi! It was also a shock for us all as we wouldn’t expect the RSPCA to put down this dog, because he’s spent his whole life in the gutters and then he would be dead, and because he couldn’t talk he had no choice in this. That could of been his life and how he remembered it but luckily thanks to YOUR donations, Bobi has got a wheelchair, and he now has the right to live a happy life, and I bet if he could talk he would thank you all (in doggy language)! Finally, thank you to the RSPCA for giving back Bobi to his happy owners.


How could anyone think about taking this dog's life away?

Just thank you so so so much, you have saved a dog’s life!