One for One

So Christmas has just gone, and I hope it was good for all of you! This post is about a pair of shoes I got that were very inspiring, these are called TOM’s. I got a pair for Christmas and one thing that especially made me smile was that their motto is One for One, which means that for every shoe you buy, one deprived child will get a pair of shoes, placed directly onto their feet by Giving Partners. The countries included in the giving process are poor countries like Haiti and Mawali.omv-stepbystepEvery child is given a simple pair of Black Canvases in 50 countries out of 60, in Argentina they have colourful patterns to keep tradition, and in cold places they donate winter boots . I know, you’re probably thinking, ‘that’s not a lot!’ But actually, to them, it’s everything- these children, my age and even younger or older, have no shoes to walk to school in, and some children walk over 5 miles to get to school. This is very dangerous as it can cause lots of illnesses including Chiggers, Hookworm, and Tetanus, a fatal disease where some countries don’t have vaccinations for, and it’s symptoms are:

a locked jaw

painful muscle spasms

This is just because of bacteria getting into a cut, one simple pair of shoes can prevent this. So, let’s buy a pair of TOM’s, not only are they as cosy and fashionable, but you will be saving a child’s life, so it’ll help you and others especially. Also, TOM’s are manufactured in Ethiopia, China, and Argentina, and they include recycling programmes for wasted material, making them good for the environment too. They treat their employees very fairly too, they benefit them with life insurance, and give them time off in fitness and wellbeing classes. They never ever allow human trafficking or slavery and they always aim to use sustainable materials, no wonder they are so so comfy! TOMS-Shoes-LOGOI really hope this encouraged and inspired you to get a pair because getting them will save our planet and the people in it, rather than getting a pair of shoes that might destroy our world. I will be doing another blog post with some pictures of my TOM’s so you can see the material and it’s motto 🙂

Hope you had an amazing Christmas!

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