International Women’s Day

On Sunday just gone, it was International Women’s Day. International Women’s Day is a day to let women take a stand, because over the last centuries women are not really praised or recognised for the amazing everyday things they do. Men are usually praised and thought to be the strongest but International Women’s Day lets women show that they can do extraordinary things too. International Women’s Day was founded in WW1 when Russian began a strike for ‘bread and peace’. This strike started somewhere around the 8th March, then this was the day that it founded.International-Womens-Day

Even Katy Perry and Lily Allen are taking a stand for women. It is about equal rights for everybody. If a woman broke a world record for a run, they wouldn’t get as much praise as a man would, which is so sad, as we did the same thing. So it’s equal rights for everybody 🙂 Woman have sadly been labelled as weaker than men, but that is not true at all, we are all born

Random Acts Of Kindness

Everyone can be kind, we just need to show it more. Whether we give a homeless person some money even just pick something up for a stranger is they drop it. These things are so small and are so easy for you, and the person who received it would get so much from it. For example, this child put a note on a stranger’s car not knowing who they are but wanting to be kind.

ZFOat.jpgThese tiny things can make someones day and put a smile on their face. If you see a car, you could leave it, or write a letter telling them how awesome they are, like this one. So if you see some keys left in a door, don’t just leave them, pick them up, write a kind note, it’s a lot cooler than leaving them 😉


Have a go, because you can 😉

12 Years A Slave

12 Years A Slave is a new movie about slavery, set in 1841. It is about a free man who was kidnapped from Washington D.C and sold to slavery on plantations in Louisiana for 12 years, until his release. This is the true story of Soloman Northup, and his autobiography was written in 1853.MV5BMjExMTEzODkyN15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwNTU4NTc4OQ@@._V1_SX640_SY720_The movie gets 5 stars on Rotten Tomatoes and 4 and a half on IMDb, and it stars Brad Pitt, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Benedict Cumberbatch and a lot more stars. This true movie sounds amazing, and I’m really sorry but i don’t know the release dates, but I’m sure you can find out online 🙂 Im also really sorry it was so short, but i hoped you enjoyed it anyway 🙂

Why You Should Love School

So, unfortunately the Christmas holidays are almost over, and a lot of people will be going back to school tomorrow or on Tuesday. A lot of people don’t like school but I hope this changes the way you think…   Malala Yousafzai was shot in the head in her own school bus heading to her school, the Khushal School. The school bus was a Toyota van, it was hot, sticky and crammed with girls on the day of exams, October 9th, a Tuesday. malala-yousafzai-1-w724Malala had won awards in her town for campaigning for peace and for girls to go to school. She was going to school on the bus when a man came in and asked where Malala was, little did the girls know he was a member of the Taliban. He brought out a black pistol and shot Malala. The bullet went through her left eye socket then out through her shoulder. Whilst she was in hospital, thousands of children sent her presents and cards.  Malala loves school and campaigns for girls to go, and luckily we don’t have to campaign for this, so, let’s make the most of our free country and have fun at school. She got shot in the head and survived with her head held high, you met get bored at school and not like it, but no-one deserves to go to school and be scared of getting shot. I really hope this encouraged you to make the most of school and have fun and make the most of the time you have there! Malala is the Bravest Girl in the World.


Help Get Jabeur Home

Recently I went on the Amnesty International website (link below) and on the front page was a petition to get Jabeur Mejri out of prison. All of this happened when Mohamed Bouazizi set himself on fire on 17th December, 2010. His suicide created masses of protests, then, President El- Abidine Ben Ali fled Tunisia, leading citizens thinking they finally had the right of speech. Jabeur then posted a cartoon picture on his Facebook profile in 2012 of Prophet Mohammed. Jabeur thought he’d finally found his right of freedom and could live a life of liberty and have the right of speech like us, but 2 lawyers found he had posted this and sentenced him to seven and a half years in jail as well as a big big fine to pay as they found it offensive. Please, please help Jabeur get back to his family, seven whole years away from his family is bringing him to the verge of a breakdown. jabeur_mejri_x468When I read this story I was very shocked, we are able to vote and peacefully protest, but people in countries like Tunisia have no right to even post a picture on their own Facebook page. Please help us to get to 5,000 actions taken, and help Jabeur to get back to his family- he is losing hope.

Sign the petition: